Welcome to the Museo Moderno’s 2024 Programme!

Arte es educación [Art is Education] is a concept we will be developing throughout the year in course. The reasons for choosing this focus are twofold. First, we feel it is important to affirm the value of this public museum – reliant on the Ministry of Culture of the Buenos Aires City Government – which has been devoted for 68 years to theoretical and practical research and to raising the profile of Argentinian art of its day, while working shoulder to shoulder with the artists who are the inspiration behind the very existence of this home of Argentinian art. We also want to make this pool of decades of research available to every one of our visitors, while bringing visibility to the knowledge being developed by the Museum around the link between art and education, an area that, today, situates the Museo Moderno at the forefront of museums in Argentina and Latin America.

The Museo Moderno is committed to a pedagogy of wonder, where learning goes hand in hand with experimentation and play, and to developing an experience grounded in the enjoyment, surprise, curiosity or pain awakened by the works of great Argentinian artists. It is our conviction that art is a vehicle for knowledge that enables us to encourage observation, questioning and critical thinking about our reality and ourselves. We are working to bring art to the most diverse audiences through active participation to foster a culture of belonging, of being-in-art. We love to think of the museum as a poetic shelter and public service, a place to return to again and again, a healthy space to inspire the imagination and a catalyst for individual and collective well-being.

On this road, we at the Moderno are passionate about thinking and working with the heterogeneous socio-environmental realities and the physical and psychological conditions that inform our diverse community, as well as about devising and developing a broad spectrum of exhibitions and artists’ workshops, tours and activities, inside and outside the Museum, in local neighbourhoods, the city and the rest of the country.

We invite you to enjoy our Museum, always alive and dynamic and in constant dialogue with society, and we hope you will always come back to visit us and join the big family that is the Museo Moderno. To find out more about our Museum, we suggest you subscribe to our website and follow us at @modernoba. Thanks for joining us!

Victoria Noorthoorn, Director of the Museo Moderno


Displayed in four large galleries at the Moderno, this ambitious exhibition highlights the important collections that make up our Museum’s heritage. It allows us to visualise the growth and research processes that have given rise to so many exhibitions, publications and actions throughout the 68 years of its existence.
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Artists: Susi Aczel, Roberto Aizenberg, Julián Althabe, Nicanor Aráoz, Carmelo Arden Quin, Pompeyo Audivert, Sergio Avello, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Elba Bairon, Ernesto Ballesteros, Daniel Basso, Carlota Beltrame, Antonio Berni, Martín Blaszko, Inés Blumencweig, Sofía Böhtlingk, Ricardo Carpani, Juan Cavallero, Luis Centurión, Laura Códega, Eugenia Crenovich (Yente), Washington Cucurto, Flavia Da Rin, Jorge de la Vega, Sergio De Loof, Ernesto Deira, Juan Del Prete, Hugo Demarco, Germaine Derbecq, Mirtha Dermisache, Noemí Di Benedetto, Juan Carlos Distéfano, Matías Duville, Ana Eckell, Marcelo Epstein, Noemí Escandell, León Ferrari, Arnoldo Gaite, Ana Gallardo, Ricardo Garabito, Santiago García Sáenz, Nicolás García Uriburu, Noemí Gerstein, Edgardo Giménez, Alberto Goldenstein, Guillermo González Ruiz, Alberto Greco, Graciela Hasper, Alberto Heredia, Alfredo Hlito, Enio Iommi, Kenneth Kemble, Guillermo Kuitca, David Lamelas, Julio Le Parc, Martín Legón, Reinaldo Leiro, Catalina León, Valentina Liernur, Lucrecia Lionti, Alfredo Londaibere, Raúl Lozza, Eduardo Mac Entyre, Rómulo Macció, Víctor Magariños, Jorge Gumier Maier, Tomás Maldonado, Liliana Maresca, María Martorell, Juan Melé, Gian Paolo Minelli, Marta Minujín, Jorge Miño, Oski, Eduardo Painceira, César Paternosto, Luis Pazos, Máximo Pedraza, Martha Peluffo, La Chola Poblete, Rogelio Polesello, Alfredo Prior, Emilio Renart, Juan Pablo Renzi, Juan Carlos Romero, Rubén Santantonín, Eduardo Serón, Aldo Sessa, Carlos Silva, Pablo Siquier, Oscar Smoje, Juan Stoppani, Pablo Suárez, Luis Terán, Luis Tomasello, Silvia Torras, Gabriel Valansi, Georges Vantongerloo, Gregorio Vardánega, Miguel Ángel Vidal, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Sesostris Vitullo, Luis Alberto Wells, Horacio Zabala, Pablo Ziccarello y Rosario Zorraquín
Exhibition Design
 Daniela Thomas, Felipe Tassara e Iván Rosler
Curated by: Victoria Noorthoorn y Francisco Lemus

More than fifteen years ago, the Supervielle Group has been acquiring works and forging bonds with the oeuvres of young contemporary artists.
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Artists: Ángeles Ascúa, Florencia Caterina, Claudia del Río, Alfio Demestre, Matías Duville, Lux Linder, Eduardo Navarro, Sol Pipkin y Hernán Soriano
Curated by: Museo Moderno Curatorial Team

This exhibition will highlight the extensive research on the intersection between art and education. It will raise awareness of a series of historical and contemporary experiences in Argentina promoted by different artists and groups, formal educational institutions and social organisations, and will include actions and performances, laboratories, training programmes and publications, as well as other actors and methodologies.
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Artistas: Diana Aisenberg, Andrés Aizicovich, Bachillerato Mocha Celis, Ernesto Ballesteros, MUNDIARTE / Bienal Internacional de Arte Infantil y Juvenil de Avellaneda, Norah Borges, Campamento Artístico Curatorial, Centro Educativo Isauro Arancibia, Olga y Leticia Cossettini, Cromoactivismo, Marina De Caro, Claudia del Río, Mirtha Dermisache y las Jornadas del Color y la Forma, Lucas Di Pascuale, Tomás Espina, Leonel Fernández Pinola, Taller de plástica del Frente de Artistas del Borda, Silvia Gurfein, Graciela Gutiérrez Marx, Hecho en Buenos Aires, Federico Jorge Klemm, Guillermo Kuitca, Nicolás Martella y Manuel A. Fernández, Diego Melero, Rosario Vera Peñaloza, Emilio Pettoruti, Amalia Pica, Proyecto Secundario Liliana Maresca, Emilio Renart, Revista Ramona, Marcela Sinclair, Eduardo Stupía, Marta Traba y Edgardo Antonio Vigo.
Jimena Ferreiro, in collaboration with Alfredo Aracil

In the face of adversity, art always allows us to question the future. Utopia, imagination and fiction provide us with the poetic and conceptual tools that have been used by societies to improve the conditions of their existence.
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Artists: Josefina Alen, Nicanor Aráoz, Viviana Blanco, Valeria Conte Mac Donell, Alfre- do Dufour, Verónica Gómez, Cervio Martini, Julia Padilla y Alberto Passolini, entre otros.
Raúl Flores, in collaboration with Victoria Noorthoorn

Artist and writer Martín Legón (Buenos Aires, 1978) has developed his work in a succession of exhibitions and publications that take as a point of departure the image far removed from its usual circulation and from its most traditional reading.
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Artist: Martín Legón
Curator: Francisco Lemus

Much of the artistic production of Javier Soria Vázquez (Cafayate, 1975) consists of the creation of concepts and designs for works that are to be materialised by other people. In the past, many discussions of art have revolved around authorship and the paradigm that the originality of a work stems from its creation by the artist’s hand. However, modern and contemporary art have broken down this barrier and involve not only other artists but the viewer in the execution of a work.
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Artist: Javier Soria Vázquez
Guest curator:
Marcela López Sastre, Director of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Salta

In 2024, the Museo Moderno will proudly present the first solo exhibition in a museum in Argentina by the young artist Celina Eceiza (Tandil, 1988). This is a totally immersive, ambitious project conceived by the artist for this space and produced entirely by the museum as part of its commitment to supporting Argentinian artistic talents.
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Artist: Celina Eceiza
Curator: Jimena Ferreiro


Start: January de 2024
End: December de 2024
