La trama sensible

More than fifteen years ago, the Supervielle Group has been acquiring works and forging bonds with the oeuvres of young contemporary artists. The Supervielle’s support for the Argentinian art scene is reflected, on the one hand, in the creation of a major collection and, on the other, in the institutional support it has provided to the Museo Moderno by stimulating exhibitions and educational and editorial programmes. In 2021, the Supervielle Group released a selection of works from its Collection to the Museum on loan. This was followed in 2022 by a donation of 21 pieces that has broadened the range of artists from recent decades in the Moderno’s holdings.

This exhibition takes the art of drawing, one of the most distinguished facets of the Supervielle Bank Collection, as its starting point. It establishes a common thread linking a variety of artists whose diverse creative universes animate the vibrant artistic and cultural scene of Buenos Aires and other cities across Argentina. Based on this premise, the show is playfully designed to be accessible to adults and children alike, who can enjoy the power of drawing and its vast potential for developing imagination and knowledge.

In celebration of the Supervielle Group’s steadfast support over the years, the Museo Moderno is proud and honoured to showcase the creativity of these artists who today hold such a prominent place in Argentinian art.

Artists: Ángeles Ascúa, Florencia Caterina, Claudia del Río, Alfio Demestre, Matías
Duville, Lux Linder, Eduardo Navarro, Sol Pipkin y Hernán Soriano
Curated by:
Museo Moderno Curatorial Team


Start: 27 de April de 2024
End: 14 de July de 2024
