Eugenia Calvo: A Restless Substance

Eugenia Calvo (Rosario, 1976) creates works that have the power to transform everyday places (domestic or institutional) into scenes full of fantastic, humorous drama. When invited to intervene in the common spaces of the Museo Moderno, Calvo applied her animistic abilities to one of the unique architectural features of the museum: the staircase. She has transformed it into a living creature that wanders from floor to floor of the museum, to both the surprise and bewilderment of visitors. The metal tube of the handrail thus takes on a role that goes beyond supporting or guiding movement; it leaves behind its enclosure in the inner corridor of the building and becomes a tool for the imagination, for play and fairy tales. As in a fantasy, in Eugenia Calvo’s interventions, objects can provide a gateway to another space, or light up an exit at a crossing or a place that would remain invisible were it not for her art.

Curated by: Patricio Orellana and Agustina Vizcarra
Exhibition Design: Iván Rosler
Production: Julieta Potenze

Eugenia Calvo (Rosario, 1976). She has presented her work at: Fundación Amalia Lacroze Fortabat (Buenos Aires), Casa Argentina (Rome), Instituto Di Tella (Buenos Aires), Museo Moderno (Buenos Aires), Fundación F. Klemm (Buenos Aires), Casa Fernandini (Lima),  Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo (Montevideo), Argentine Embassy at London, Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti (Buenos Aires), La Maison Rouge Fondation (Paris), Museo de Arte Moderno de Cuenca,  Centre Pompidou (Paris),  Palais de Tokio (Paris), Matucana 100 (Chile), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Mar del Plata; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario, Cisneros Foundation (Miami), Gothenburg Biennale (Sweden), Museo del Barrio (New York), Museo Rosa Galisteo (Santa Fe) and Bienal de Cuenca.

She received the following prizes and recognitions: Salón Nacional Rosario, Salón Nacional Palais de Glacé, Premio arteBA Petrobrás, Special Mention at Bienal Internacional de Cuenca-Ecuador, Premio 8M, Premio Konex and Segundo Premio Fundación Amalia Lacroze Fortabat. She also participated in the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant and the CIFO Grants and Commission Program.

Portrait - Eugenia Calvo

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Start: 9 de November de 2023
End: 2 de June de 2024
