Mutant Bodies

Cuerpos mutantes [Mutant Bodies] sets up a dialogue between the Museo Moderno’s historical collection and works by contemporary Argentinian artists in an attempt to understand the limits of our bodies through the observation and manipulation of matter, through its division into fragments and their poetic repurposing, and through the monstrous and figurations that place what is human in suspense.

A sensory journey through sculptures, paintings and videos, Mutant Bodies explores how the idea of the individual is blurred and reconstructed through various changes both in bodies and the environment. Mutations stem from perceptible or imperceptible alterations in the working of an organism. Based in the interrelationship between human and non-human beings like animals, viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms, mutating becomes a strategy for imagining new ways of inhabiting the planet. The works in the exhibition reinforce the idea of kinship with other species, opening up the horizon to more hybrid and plural worlds.

Far-removed from the rational thought of modern art, the works reveal materiality and forms in all their exuberance to bring forth indeterminate fantastical situations connecting human beings with the planet’s biodiversity. Faced with the impact of the pandemic and the current climate crisis, these works offer a profound reflection on the human body, its capacity for change and its connections with other species.

Curators: Francisco Lemus, Marcos Krämer, Clarisa Appendino, Violeta González Santos

Artists: Paulina Berlatzky, Diego Bianchi, Virginia Buitrón, Alberto Carlisky, Marina Daiez, Marina de Caro, Marcelo Epstein, Raquel Forner, Mauro Guzmán, Alberto Heredia, Narcisa Hirsch, Ana Kamien, Josefina Labourt, Isaías Nougués, Andrea Ostera, Julia Padilla, Dalila Puzzovio, Emilio Renart, Rubén Santantonín, Leone Sonnino, Pablo Suárez, César Valencia.

La Fábrica – Cuerpos Mutantes

We present a new episode of “La Fábrica” [The Factory], this time centred on the Cuerpos Mutantes [Mutant Bodies] exhibition.

Through the accounts provided by Violeta González Santos, a curatorial assistant and Manuel Maquirriain, production assistant, we learn how each of these areas contributed to the process of putting together this exhibition.

Cuerpo Mutantes explores how the concept of the individual can be blurred and reconstructed through different transformations that occur both within our bodies as well as in the environment.


Start: 20 de May de 2022
End: 9 de April de 2023
