The Living Museum 2021

The next two weeks

Over the next two weeks while we are closed to the public, we will share messages on our social media platforms and the Museo Moderno website from cultural and artistic ambassadors who will reflect on the importance of keeping museums open. This new lockdown finds us in a stronger position. On the one hand, after a year of quarantine in which we were forced to rethink and reinvent ourselves as an institution, and six months after the museums reopened in October 2020, today we know for certain that museums are safe spaces. Museums are historically regulated spaces, and it was easy to adapt to the new COVID-19 requirements. We can guarantee that masks are worn, that social distance is maintained, and that maximum capacity is respected, thus preventing museums from becoming spaces in which the virus can spread. On the other hand, throughout this time, we took on the challenge of creating a living museum that is relevant for our diverse audiences and for the artistic and educational communities, by supporting and sustaining the creation and visibility of artists, educators, intellectuals and cultural managers through our virtual and, more recently, in-person programs. Museums are essential, since their role of accompanying a society in crisis, in a state of mourning, that is experiencing pain and anguish, is more relevant than ever. As the WHO widely affirms, culture and art are beneficial to the physical and mental health of all people, of all ages. Art itself is transformative and healing, and it can help us through this challenging time. Finally, museums are vital institutions because they generate work for thousands of artists, art professionals and cultural providers, and because they encourage the artistic production of a community that is fragile in the face of the pandemic, while fostering the development of the imagination, which provides us with the opportunity to act as an immense support to the education of our country. During these days that we will be closed, our digital channels will provide us with an alternative to be present in the public sphere. We invite you to join us, and two weeks from now, we will be waiting for you in person, with all the appropriate protocols in place, as always.

Victoria Noorthoorn
Director of Museo Moderno de Buenos Aires
Alberto Sendros
Cynthia Cohen
Argentine visual artist
Laura Isola
Mónica Giron
Rubén Méndez
Vice president of Delmiro Méndez e Hijos S.A.
International Fine Art Transport
Fernando Portabales
Carlos Bolig y Franco Bolig
Interior painters
Adriana Bustos
Jorge Miño
Andrés Brun
Cesar Abelenda
Galería Pasto
Elian Chali: Unexpected Plane
The Fishermen’s Sunset
Moderno and MetaModerno
Endless Learning