To the Museo Moderno family,
We join the authorities of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in wishing you and our entire community good health during this challenging time.
The Museum team is working full steam ahead, as always, to honor our public and our community. We are 100 people who are working mostly from home to be able share with you the plethora of actions carried out by the Museum, and which it will continue to carry out during this time.
Today, we find ourselves adapting to new circumstances at the speed of light. In the days ahead, and particularly as of Wednesday, March 25, we will be sharing news, stories, research and proposals from the Museum for all of our audiences:
The Educational Team is working non-stop to produce a range of activities and workshops proposed by Argentine artists and the Museum itself. These are workshops and activities for children and youth at different educational levels that can be done and discovered from home.
For teachers, we will share pedagogical resources and dynamic proposals that can be implemented with students via virtual and digital platforms, where art offers up a vast world of knowledge just waiting to be discovered. We will prepare didactic material to train teachers who are now working from home – understanding that this moment can also be the perfect opportunity to train – to encourage vocational training.
For the audiences of the Communities Program, we will be adapting our workshops and tutorials so that you can continue to participate in all of our programming.
For our readers, the Publications team is preparing to share a selection of readings and will open part of our editorial collection, which will be available on our website.
All of these offerings are being prepared by the Museum in collaboration, as always, with the community of artists that it honors in its exhibitions, its collection, and through its most diverse programs. Argentine artists are the raison d’être of our institution, and so it is through engaging our powerful community of artists that the Moderno is able to bring the museum into your home.
During this time, many Argentine artists will open the doors of their workshops to tell us what inspires them; how they approach the development of upcoming works; how they are making them; what they are reading; what activities they suggest to do at home; and their ideas for a better world, that utopia that will always be at the basis of any strong artistic proposal.
Going forward, we will also share how different artists have experienced their exhibitions or how they are preparing for their next openings: Santiago Iturralde will share his process; Nicanor Aráoz will discuss his preparations for his upcoming show that is almost ready; and Florencia Rodríguez Giles will tell us about her project for the spring. We will also share guided tours of Sergio De Loof’s exhibition and unpublished materials about the great artist. The Museum’s curators will share many of the literary and artistic references of the works of Mildred Burton and Elda Cerrato, and will talk about our preparations for a major exhibition dedicated to the great Alberto Greco.
We invite you to follow the offerings of the Museo Moderno during this time, hand in hand with our curators, educators and our vast community of Argentine artists.
We also invite you to send us your own suggestions and proposals, so that the moment can serve to enrich us all.
Best wishes and good health to all,
Victoria Noorthoorn, Buenos Aires, March 2020