
The Communities Department of the Museo Moderno is conceived as a public service that aims to expand the boundaries of the field of art.
Working in partnership with civil organisations, health workers and health system users, it organises both one-off activities, such as visits and discussions, as well as permanent research and group production spaces.

These spaces explore cultural proximity and foster sensitivity as a means to awaken interest in self-care and community awareness.

To learn more about our activities and group bookings, please write to us at

Three ecologies
Art, health and community

This annual programme extends the concept of communities to the non-human, that is, it includes other organic and inorganic living organisms as well as natural and cultural objects. Through different groups, workshops and interventions, all connected by a shared sensibility, the aim is to move away from considering the health of individuals and of territories separately. Following the involvement of the museum in different collaborative experiences with the neighbourhood, other museums, primary health care centres, retirement centres and the general public, we are beginning a citizen mapping project that will be directed by the urban design studio m7red. 

To learn about all the different activities that make up the “Three Ecologies” annual programme, please write

Life Centre

A programme for seniors from Commune 1.
“Life Centre” is a neighbourhood outreach programme that looks to encourage the creation of artistic and social mediation channels between the museum and different centres and residences in Commune 1 of the City of Buenos Aires.

The programme was launched during the pandemic with the delivery of different kits containing materials and exercises that circulated back and forth between residences and the museum. Inspired by the mail art movement, we have developed a repertoire of exercises that include writing, collage and performance that aim to incorporate art into the realm of everyday life.

The programme currently consists of different groups and workshops for seniors that take place in the neighbourhood or at the museum. For example, there is the School of Painting, a weekly event that brings adults together to spend the afternoon painting and sharing experiences. There is also a Stamp Workshop that is held for community members at the Rodrigo Bueno retirement centre.

To learn more about the program, please write us at

REA Red de Escucha y Acompañamiento [The Listening and Support Network]:

Red de Escucha y Acompañamiento [The Listening and Support Network] is a programme dedicated to building relationships between the museum and the community. REA is a weekly event for creation and mediation, open to all those who wish to explore different forms of collective production in communication with others. Working with different guest artists who contribute their practices and experiences, the group itself decides on the pace, direction and setting for its research.

In 2021, within the framework of the REA network, the artist-advocate Florencia Berccia produced ¨Cartografías de la memoria viva¨ [“Cartographies of Living Memory”] together with the Communities Department of the Museo Moderno, an investigation into the intersections between art and therapy. It began with a series of meetings for seniors, artists and interested members of the general public to discuss personal and collective stories, knowledge, personal experiences, and more.

In 2022, the research took the project to a more performative space. Working with ballerina and artist Jorgelina Mongan, participants explored ways of inhabiting the space of a hospital museum with bodies and sensibilities not usually accommodated at other sites.

REA is a caring space supervised by María Reina Luján and Susana Frigerio, who work with the General Directorate of Mental Health and are psychologists who focus on a community perspective.

To learn more about the programme, please write us