Bilingual edition, Spanish/English
Text: Sofía Dourron
Graphic Design: Lucía Ladreche
Translations: Kit Maude
72 pages
Format: 20 x 25 cm
ISBN 978-987-1358-47-2
To accompany the exhibition, How to Mentally Form a Machine, Argentinian artist
Hernán Soriano brought to bear all his poetic resources, hand-treating every copy
of this publication. It consists of five hundred books, numbered and signed by the
artist, which, in addition to their treatments by the artist, include images of the works
presented at the Museo Moderno of Buenos Aires in 2017, a curatorial text by Sofía
Dourron and a biography.
‘Reflecting on the copy as the driving force of his work, Soriano says: “We live in
societies where the copy is disdained because people forget that originality doesn’t
exist, there are only inaccurate copies. In the gap between a thing and its copy lie
factors that are beyond our control and these little uncertainties determine the course
of my artworks.” Just as a ghost is never the same as its past but always embodies
something else, in Soriano a copy is not an inferior product but a pure creative act.
Sofía Dourron