Ernesto Ballesteros: Vito Ver y Vito Verá

Bilingual Spanish-English edition
Author: Ernesto Ballesteros
Foreword: Victoria Noorthoorn
Design: Malena Castagnón and Lucía Ladreche
Translations: Kit Maude

68 pages
Format: 37 x 30cm
ISBN 978-987-1358-33-5

Vito Ver y Vito Verá was produced and published by the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires to celebrate Ernesto Ballesteros’ participation in the 56th Venice Biennale, All the World’s Futures. The comics contained in these pages were made by the artist beginning in 1984, and they follow one of the guiding principles of his artistic work: his interest in making the invisible visible. It is an idea that is transmitted through narrative anecdotes and landscapes and the ellipses between vignettes, those blank spaces that take place in a time where the things that occur are not told, but lived, and could span seconds or eternities.