Javier Soria Vázquez: The Unforeseen Act

Javier Soria Vázquez was born in Cafayate, a town of master potters and textile makers located in Salta Province on the border with Tucumán. As well as training as an artist, he has undertaken curating studies, which has inspired him to expand his artistic practice as a painter to include works carried out in collaboration with other artists and with the participation of the public. This is the background to several works, including Incidente [Incident], exhibited here and first presented at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Salta on the occasion of the exhibition Sujeto tácito [Tacit Subject] as part of the visits programme for the 55th Annual Conference of CIMAM—International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art in 2023. In a crossover of these two disciplines, Soria Vázquez combines painting – which he sees as a rigorous model of unattainable perfection – with ephemeral actions situated in a specific time and space and inevitably involving a high dose of chance. Error, as a latent, tacit subject, can always exert an influence on even the most satisfactory result.

Soria Vázquez develops two distinct works in parallel: a work of objects made in solitude and a work based around ephemeral actions and completed by the presence of others. The passage connecting the two is a cornerstone between ourselves and others. It is impossible to paint a perfect triangle: even if one controls the brush with impeccable technique, it will always betray the tell-tale marks of our pulse. Yet perfection can be found in an imaginary triangle drawn by the vertices formed by the work, the artist and the presence of the other.

Just as our mind’s polarity – the concrete and objectual right hemisphere and the abstract and emotional left hemisphere – communicate to allow us to apprehend the world as a whole, Soria Vázquez’s abstract art becomes highly concrete in search of a point of coincidence beyond the limits between dark and light, left and right, north and south, ourselves and others, where all reality is inevitably manifested. The third position is this encounter, haphazard and perfect.

Marcela López Sastre
Guest Curator
Director of Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes de Salta

Museographical Design: Iván Rösler
Production: Edgar Lacombe

The work titled Incidente [Incident]  is completed with a performance held on Saturdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., with interventions from an ensemble of musicians and the participation of the audience. On October 26th the performance will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The Unforeseen Act: The Playlist


Start: 1 de August de 2024
End: 27 de October de 2024
