Damián Santa Cruz (City of Buenos Aires, 1984). A graduate of Fine Arts from the Escuela de Bellas Artes Dr José Figueroa Alcorta in Córdoba, the artist also holds a Diploma in the Management and Conservation of Art Archives from UNSAM and the Fundación Espigas. Since 2009, he has been awarded several grants to continue perfecting his practice and has participated in provincial and national shows and art fairs.
In 2009, he participated in Demolición, Construcción: Clínica de Procesos Artísticos [Demolition, Construction: An Artistic Processes Clinic] with De Olivera, Luis González Palma and Soledad Sánchez Goldar, with whom he continued to work until 2010 on the exhibition and staging of the Arte Afuera [Art Outside] festival, which was carried out within the framework of Demolición/Construcción at the Archivo Provincial de la Memoria in Córdoba. He has participated in numerous clinics and workshops, including Anibal Buede’s Clínica de Arte Contemporáneo Puesta en Órbita [‘Launched into Orbit’ Contemporary Art Clinic] (2012); the Taller de Análisis y Seguimiento [Analysis and Monitoring Workshop] in Yungas, taught by Raúl Flores (2015); and the ABELE Programme, taught by Carla Barbero and Javier Villa (2021). He currently works in the Management, Archives and Conservation area of Hipólito Atilio Bugliotti’s HAB Collection in the city of Córdoba.