Bilingual edition, Spanish/English
Text: Alejandra Aguado. Includes an interview to the artist
Graphic Design: Francisco Capuzzi
Translations: Kit Maude
Photography: Josefina Tommasi
32 pages
Format: 25x20cm
ISBN 978-987-1358-32-8
Catalina León’s latest output took inspiration from research into ritual feasts and religiosity
by French anthropologist Jean Duvignaud. He describes ‘useless sacrifice’ as a casual act
that allows the self to shed impositions and open up to the infinite. This publication
accompanies Catalina León’s intimate work with a text by curator Alejandra Aguado and
fragments of a conversation between artist and curator. ‘When I set up an installation, I don´t
make it solely to be seen in full, I try to lay out the space and artworks in such a way that
they can convey the impulse that drove them to be made to the person experiencing them,
and so they can be used as references. I inhabit the space and make the works to
encourage myself to act in life. ’
‘I spent hour lurking quietly next to the canvases and fabrics in this exhibition, sometimes
sitting on them, without being able to do much more than just be. And then I am taken by
surprise by abstraction and the fact that the work won´t let me go further than a certain
point, regulating the strength and impulse in a new act of moderation. ’
Catalina León