An activity for teenagers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

Have you ever dressed all in one colour? Have you ever put on a costume? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this activity is for you!

View of the exhibition Sergio De Loof:  ¿Sentiste hablar de mí? [Sergio De Loof: Never Heard of Me?]
Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires

First, take a look at where you keep your clothes. Are your clothes all one colour, or do you have many colours of clothes? Do you have more long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirts? What about the collars of your shirts? Now, think about what clothes you want to wear today.

Make a drawing of an outfit that you would want to wear to a fashion show or for a special occasion. You can make it using the materials and colours you have at home. To help you with the activity, the museum’s design team has created some association cards.

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