“Mayores en acción” [Seniors in Action] is a programme that spans across all of our projects for seniors and is guided by the paradigm of promoting an active old age. Life journeys, personal experiences, knowledge and desires provide us with sources of inspiration for expressing ourselves that are as valid as a love of art.
Myths and legends By Hugo Schamber and Alcira Jesiotr
Guided by the paradigm of having an active old age, the programme “Mayores en acción” [Seniors in Action], developed by the Education team of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, spans across all of our projects with seniors. One of such projects is the “Grupo de los 8” [“Group of 8”], in which Hugo Schamber and Alcira Jesiotr participate. Here they express their thoughts about Florencia Bohtlingk’s work, La boca del infierno [Hell’s Mouth], and share with us some of the myths and legends from the area that inspired the artist.
Communities Seniors in action
Ricardo Glan, a member of the Grupo de los 8 [Group of 8], part of the “Mayores en acción” [“Seniors in Action”] programme, talks about his performance about silence, at the centre of the exhibition Una historia de la imaginación en la Argentina [A History of the magination in Argentina], held in 2019.
Patricia and Rita, members of the Grupo de los 8 [Group of 8], a senior’s group at the museum, sing their tango about the importance of museums in times of isolation.
Ricard Glan, a member of the Moderno’s Grupo de los 8 [Group of 8] discusses Mildred Burton’s work, Ninforucita y el Lobo [Little Nymph and the Wolf].
Activity 1: Fears Were you told stories when you were little? Which stories? Did any of them scare you? Which fairy tale character were you afraid of? A good way to get over one’s fears is to address them openly and have a good laugh about them. We invite you to draw the character that you most feared and ridicule it. Give it some colourful accessories, exaggerate its features, come up with an absolutely absurd name for it, and anything else that strikes your fancy.
Activity 2: Morals Morals are the lessons that are hidden within fairy tales. For instance, in Little Red Riding Hood, there are at least five hidden messages: 1) Do not trust strangers; 2) Do not reveal your personal information; 3) Do not disobey your parents; 4) Do not let your guard down; 5) Do not neglect your children, no matter how safe a situation may seem.
What other morals do you remember from stories? Why not write your own story containing one or more morals? You can add it in the comments below the video on YouTube.
The gift of a story. “Intersticios” [“Interstices”], by Alcira Jesitor
Alcira Jesitor, is a member of the Moderno’s Grupo de los 8 [Group of 8], a group for seniors. Here she shares a story she wrote, inspired by Mildred Burton’s work.
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