An activity for children and young people with autism
In 2019, the group Etcétera took part in an activity at the museum, raising awareness of the importance of thinking about our relationship with the planet and its natural resources, such as water, forests and the food we grow.
This activity will help you create your own vegetable garden.
You will need the following materials:
A glass, flowerpot, or container
Seeds (you don’t need a lot of them, even just a few are enough! For example, depending on the time of year, you could use the seeds from a pumpkin, tomato, or squash)
A small shovel or spoon
A bit of soil (enough to fill your container)
Using your hands, fill the glass or container with soil.
Using your hand, shovel or spoon, dig a small hole in the middle of the container and place a seed in it.
Cover the seed with a little bit of soil. Not too much! It needs room to grow.
Water the soil with a very small amount of water.
Place the glass or container in a sunny spot.
To help you remember what you planted, you can write the name of the seed you used on the glass, or make a little sign to help you remember what you planted.
To help with the activity, the museum design team has created the association cards that can be seen in the image gallery below.
Do you remember that we already played a game of finding food inside the works of art from the collection? You can click on the image to access that activity and see the images of the foods that we worked with.
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