Museo Moderno
Mariano Benavente
Benavente, Mariano Morón, Province of Buenos Aires 1968 Flores para Eugenio Daneri, 2021 [Flowers for Eugenio Daneri, 2021] Oil painting on canvas [Oil painting on canvas] 250x200cm Photo Credit: Fabián Cañás

He was born in Buenos Aires, in 1968, where he currently lives and works. Between 2002 and 2015 he carried out various workshops and clinics on work analysis, with teachers including Tulio de Sagastizábal, Leila Tschopp, Augusto Zanela, Silvia Gurfein among others. He has held individual and group exhibitions: ”The intelligence of flowers”, Centro Cultural San Martín, Buenos Aires 2023; “Equidistancia”, Palatina Gallery, Buenos Aires 2022; “Blend#2”, Bar Varela Varelita, Buenos Aires 2022; “Adorable and fantasized”, Guerrero Station, Buenos Aires, 2022; “Oh, make me a mask”, Casa Bolívar, Buenos Aires, 2021; “Everything is hidden in memory”, Galería Pasaje 17, 2020; ”The impossible bouquet”, Casa Matienzo, Buenos Aires, 2019; “Walking in Silence”, Palatina Gallery, Buenos Aires 2019; “Lots of Painting”, Casa Matienzo, 2018; “Of Another Nature”, Arturo Ragonese Botanical Garden, INTA, 2013; “El Grito”, Herminia Art Space, 2011. It was selected in National Calls, Awards and Salons, such as: Jury Mention of the UADE Visual Arts Prize (2023); San Martín Cultural Center, Visual Arts Call 2022, Felix Painting Prize Amador (2022), UADE Prize for Visual Arts (2021), Central Bank of the Argentine Republic Painting Prize (2020), XXII Klemm Prize for Visual Arts (2018); XI Bancor National Painting Prize 2018; Fernán Félix de Amador Painting Hall, Museum of Fine Arts of Luján, Province of Buenos Aires (2010-2009); National Hall of Visual Arts, Painting Category, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (2009-2008); 3rd UADE National Painting Competition, Metropolitan Museum, Buenos Aires (2008) In 2018 he received a Scholarship for Creation awarded by the National Fund for the Arts through the Municipal Funds for the Arts and Social Transformation Program of the Municipality of Morón. Since 2017 he has been a member of the audiovisual project TBF – The Black Future Project, together with Amadeo Azar and Nicolás Vazquez. It is a group that presents live performances of music and videos. The musical pieces are born through improvisation and electronic sessions that connect the images with incidental music from different documentaries, visual collages and retro futurism videos. They participate in live performances at: National Museum of Fine Arts (2022), Ruth Benzacar Gallery (2018), Museum of Books and Language (2018), HACHE Gallery (2018), FASE9, Casa Nacional del Bicentenario (2017), ATOM Bar (2017), FACA Argentine Contemporary Art Fair (2017) among others.