We are a contemporary art gallery specialized in the launch and visibility of new artists.
We are, of course, the continuity of the Alberto Sendrós Gallery, but we are at the same time a new and surpassing project nourished by the processes and experiences that have transformed the contemporary art scene in recent years and particularly in 2020.
That said, to define our current purposes and challenges, I cannot help but refer, due to its permanent validity, to the advice that Orly Benzacar gave me at the end of 2002, when I told him that I wanted to open a gallery: “Find new artists and new collectors and you will do very well,” Orly told me with serene forcefulness. Even then he respected and admired her a lot, so I listened to him. And he was right. I did very well.
Of course, Orly’s wise advice is not a definition of well-exercised gallerism, much less an exclusive definition. There are very good galleries that follow another path and make their contribution to the scene by continuing the careers of more mature artists and having more recognized collectors as their main clients.
We, however, are passionate about discovering new artists. Seeing, glimpsing or even guessing the potential of a new artist is our greatest challenge and the source of our greatest satisfaction. Naturally, we are also going to work with artists with more developed careers but who still offer us the possibility of mutually enriching joint work.
We know our job very well.
We know that the development of an artist’s career is thought about and planned. That requires time and trust. And a correct and rigorous construction policy and justification of the comparative price of the works at the different stages of the career.
We know that time and trust also requires generating and building loyalty with a new collector. We have experience and recognition in this type of highly qualified advice, which guides without starring.
We think this is a VERY GOOD TIME!!!!! to open a gallery and to buy young Argentine art.
We feel comfortable and very qualified to do a good job in the niche we have chosen to work in. We are identified and eager to join a bubbling scene of new names and new imaginaries.