CRUDO ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO is an artist-run art gallery based at Italia 1044 in the city of Rosario, Argentina. It is established as a platform to promote the exchange, reflection and experimentation of contemporary aesthetic practices.
Founded in 2012, its main objectives are to enable a space for meeting, dialogue and artistic experimentation; promote local artistic production in constant relationship and through the construction of national and international links and networks; the construction of a national art market; and expand the audience and access to art and culture in the community.
Among its activities, CRUDO organizes exhibitions, participation in art fairs, residency and training programs for artists, cycles of talks and activities open to the community, and an editorial project.
In March 2020, thanks to the support of the Rozenblum Foundation and BSM Art-Building, CRUDO moved to the center of the city of Rosario, to a property originally built to house a 700 m2 bank.
In addition to the CRUDO gallery, it has a workshop space where 13 artists from the city of Rosario share a workplace.