Ber Zabalaga is a medicine man, magician, natural channel and artist. He studied Reiki, multidimensional therapy, Mary Magdalene healing, meditation and channeling, among other techniques, and is initiated into the shamanic path, ancestral Mexica sahúmo and snuff. He investigates artistic-energetic forms of work, creates amulets, altars, magic wands and other shamanic objects and designs and performs collective rituals in artistic situations, such as the inauguration of the Casa do Povo, São Paulo (2014) and the meeting “The Song of “Yerba Bruja”, organized by MoMA in Valle de Bravo, Mexico (2022).
He has a degree in Acting from the Escuela Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon (2006), a Master’s degree in Advanced Theater Practice from the Central School of Speech and Drama in London (2010) and completed the artists program at the Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires (2017).

Guardian del inconsciente infantil, 2021 mixed technique 70 x 40 x 25 cm Photography Galo Coca