ANA WON Tucuman, Argentina. 1989. As a student, she was trained by different teachers such as Carlos Huffman, Diego Bianchi, Valentina Liernur, Mónica Girón, Ve- rónica Gómez, Eduardo Stupía, Eduardo Basualdo, Raúl Flores and Sandro Pereira, among others. She studied Artistic and Technical Photography at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. She attended different visual arts clinics and other training instances in the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, the workshop of contemporary practices Prácticas Con- temporáneas of Rusia Galería, the theoretic cycle in Visuals Arts of Fondo Nacional de las Artes, the Artists’ Programme of Univer- sidad Torcuato Di Tella as well as in the residencies Yungas Arte Contemporáneo, URRA (Buenos Aires) and Curadora (Santa Fe). She uses and studies the abstract language. Among her solo shows, the most important exhibitions are Cantos y alaridos (Gale- ría Constitución, CABA, 2021), Episodios de la pintura (Galería Lateral, Tucumán, 2017), G3NERΔC1ON 1000ЁNNI4Г (CABA, 2017), Esto (Un club, Tucumán, 2016). Also, she took part in group exhibitions such as Cuerpos intermitentes. Obras del Museo Provin- cial de Bellas Artes Emilio Pettoruti + artistas contemporáneos (Centro Cultural CCK, 2022 (Centro Cultural Kirchner, 2022), Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales (Centro Cultural Borges, 2022), Vida abstracta (Museo Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2022), Adentro no hay más que una morada (Museo Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2021), Mannequin (FACT, Tucumán, 2019), XXIII PREMIO KLEMM (CABA, 2019), Faltas personales (Di Tella, CABA, 2019), Arte Abstracto de Tucumán (Espacio Cripta, Tucumán, 2017), Yungas, work in progress (Centro Cultural Eugenio F. Virla de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, curated by Raúl Flores, 2015), etc. She was awarded the following scholarships: Creación by Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2022); Beca Residencia Urra (2019); Pro- grama de Artistas (2018) by Universidad Torcuato Di Tella; y Beca Yungas Arte Contemporáneo (2016). Won received special mentions in the UNNE Prize for Visual Arts by the Centro Cultural Universitario and in the XLIV Salón de Tucumán para el Ámbito Nacional Pintura. Her works are part of the Museo Moderno de Buenos Aires and some others belong to private collectors. In 2022 she won the first prize in painting from Premio Banco Central de la República Argentina.

Noche de verano 115 x 100 x 6 cm de profundidad Óleo y pastel sobre lienzo, madera tallada y ceramica. 2023.