Museo Moderno
Walfisch Florencia
En el río de mi infancia, bordado y cosido a maquina y a mano en lienzo y telas, 230 x 190 cm, 2010.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1970. Visual artist and poet. His training includes different expressive disciplines focusing on drawing and writing. He trains with Mónica Marcovich, Víctor Chab and Tulio de Sagastizábal. His texts are included in various publications and anthologies. He holds individual exhibitions and participates in readings, group exhibitions and salons. He shapes different interdisciplinary and/or self-managed projects: with Ana Lafferranderie he creates the Poetry Reading Series in Fedro, San Telmo (2006-2010); He carries out Té con Obra, as an open studio, which includes dialogue with guest artists (2010-2014); With Pablo Bronzini, he creates works that combine the visual with music; Together with Ana Efron he develops a collaborative work space. Since 2015 he has coordinated textile training workshops.