He was born in 1980 in San Lorenzo, Santa Fe.
She completed a degree in Fine Arts with an orientation in the specialty of Painting, UNR (2004) and teaching in Fine Arts, UNR (2006). Since 2005 she has participated in numerous instances of professional training as an artist.
In 2008 she obtained the Castagnino Foundation mention at the National Salon of Rosario; In 2010 she received the Stimulus Grant for Young Artists from the Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe Foundation; in 2012 the Scholarship for Interior Artists awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts.
In 2016 she won the First Acquisition Prize of the LXX National Salon of Rosario at the Castagnino + Macro Museum, and in 2018 the First Acquisition Prize of the XI National Painting Prize of the Central Bank.
Since 2005 he has shown his works collectively and individually in different private spaces and public institutions, such as Dabbah Torrejón Gallery, Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Foster Catena Gallery, Espacio Rivoire, Recoleta Cultural Center, Borges Cultural Center, J. B. Castagnino Museum, Diego Obligado Gallery of art. She resides and works in San Lorenzo.

Sin título 120 x 100 cm. Acrílico y óleo sobre tela 2020