Museo Moderno
Vega Paola
Sin titulo, 2017. Óleo sobre tela, 110 x 180 cm

He was born in Buenos Aires in 1980. He lived in the city of Bahía Blanca, where he began to train artistically, there he carried out the Painting Workshop at Espacio Vox with Gustavo López, and intensive clinics with the renowned artists Jorge Gumier Maier, Diana Aisenberg and Marina de Expensive. In 2005 she moved to Buenos Aires and studied with Pablo Siquier and Tulio De Sagastizábal. She was selected to carry out the “Antiproject” Workshop with Diego Bianchi and “Excursiones” with Marcelo Pombo at the Torcuato Di Tella University, and obtained the Scholarship for Young Artists for Work Analysis and Production, from the Antorchas Foundation between 2003 and 2004. In addition, between 2011 and 2012, he was part of the Artists Program, led by Jorge Macchi, at the Torcuato Di Tella University. She received various Awards such as the Klemm Prize for Visual Arts in 2013, among others. Throughout Paola’s career she has exhibited in countless spaces, galleries and museums in our country, among the most notable we can name: at the Belleza y Felicidad Gallery, Buenos Aires; at the Museum of Contemporary Art in the city of Bahía Blanca; Foyer Auditorium Theater of Mar del Plata; at the MACRO Museum in Rosario; in Mundo Dios, Mar del Plata and in the Abate Gallery in Buenos Aires. Her works seem like blurred images, or blurred memories, where each viewer can encode different experiences. They are oil paintings with warm colors, earthy and pastel tones, very cozy, which achieve a unique and beautiful universe. The artist currently lives and works in Buenos Aires.