Museo Moderno
Tellaria Mariana

Born in the small rural town of Rufino, Santa Fe Province, Argentina, at 18 she moved to Rosario —where she currently lives and works— to pursue her studies in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the National University of Rosario (UNR). It was indeed the institutional landscape of Rosario the scenario on which some formative events of her career took place, such as her 2003 show at the Juan B. Castagnino Municipal Museum of Fine Arts (“Mariana and Adrián”, Mariana and Adrian) or her 2014 work “Las noches de los días” (The Nights of all Days), which consisted of covering the facade of that very same museum entirely with black paint, an action that unleashed a far-reaching wave of public and media repercussions. Her first solo show in Buenos Aires took place in 2009 at the now extinct Alberto Sendrós gallery under the title of “El nombre de un país” (The Name of a Country), a title that she rekindled exactly ten years later to name her sculptural installation on the Argentine Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. She was part of various group shows all around the World, including “The Ungovernables”, New Museum Triennial, New Museum, New York (2012); “Some artists’ artists”, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York (2014); “Hacer con lo hecho”, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Cuenca, Ecuador (2015) and “Témpano. El problema de lo institucional”, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Montevideo, Uruguay (2017). In addition, at the beginning of 2016 she was a resident of the Boghossian – Villa Empain Foundation program (Brussels, Belgium) and took part of a group show entitled “Répétition”, co-curated by Asad Raza and Nicola Lees. She is usually commissioned with site-specific work, some of which gathered considerable public notoriety. Among these are “El primer momento de la existencia de algo” (The First Moment of Something’s Existence) at the River Plate Stadium, organized by the Art Department of the University Torcuato Di Tella (2013), “Tumba del soldado desconocido” (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier), at the National University of La Plata (2015) and, invited by BIENALSUR in 2017,”Dios es inmigrante” (God is an Immigrant), a large installation that can still be seen in the Museo de la Inmigración in Buenos Aires.