Museo Moderno
Suarez Pablo
Fosa en su patio, c.1995. Acrílico sobre tela e inclusiones, 185 x 182 cm.

(BuenosAires,1937 – 2006)
A key figure in the history of local art, he has been one of the driving forces behind the most significant directions taken by Argentine art in the last four decades of the twentieth century. Throughout his career he used a wide variety of materials, supports and media such as painting, sculpture and installation, establishing a permanent and incisive dialogue with the world around him. His work is inscribed in the tradition of popular art, grotesque and parody. His first solo exhibition was in 1961 at the Lirolay Gallery in Buenos Aires, where he was presented by Alberto Greco.
He managed and collaborated in the different collectives of the 1960s, being part of the mythical Di Tella generation and participating in Tucumán Arde. In the 70’s he worked from the margins of the institutionalism. In the 80’s he formed the groups Nueva Imagen and Periferia and in the 90’s he had a great influence on the artists linked to the Centro Cultural Rojas and the Taller de Barracas, where he worked as a teacher along with Luis F. Benedit, developing an active work and link with the new generations of artists that emerged from the underground and different emerging spaces.
In 1987 he received the Gunther Painting Award, and in 1992 the Konex Award Diploma of Merit for his proposals in the field of visual arts. In 1999 he was also awarded the Costantini Prize. He participated in the XVI Biennial of São Paulo in 1981, XVIII Biennial of São Paulo in 1985 and XXII Biennial of São Paulo in 1994.
His work forms part of the following collections: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes – MNBA; Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires – MALBA; Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires – MAMBA; Museo Castagnino + Macro; Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori; Fundación Federico Jorge Klemm; and others, as well as outstanding private collections in Latin America, United States and Europe.