Museo Moderno
Stern Grete
Untitled. Los sueños de cansancio, 1950

(Wuppertal, Elberfeld, Germany, 1904-Buenos Aires, 1999)

Photographer, photomontageist and designer. Between 1923 and 1925 she studied graphic arts at the Kunstgewerbeschule, in Stuttgart. Together with Ellen Auerbach, she set up a graphic design and photography studio in Berlin and in 1932 she studied in the photography workshop of the Bauhaus in Dessau. With the rise of Nazism, she emigrated first to England and then to Argentina, where she settled permanently. She held her first exhibition in Buenos Aires in the editorial office of Sur magazine, together with Horacio Coppola. In the 1940s she became involved with the Arte Concreto Invención movement and her house served as the venue for the group’s second exhibition. Between 1948 and 1951 she made weekly photomontages for the section titled “Psychoanalysis will help you” with texts by Gino Germani and Enrique Butelman in the magazine Idilio.