Museo Moderno
Sorrentino Juan

Juan Sorrentino is a contemporary artist and experimental musician whose multimedia work has taken the form of sculpture, performance, installation, video, photography and recording He creates sonic sculpture and sound installations exploring concepts of visual language, poetic context, and collective imagination. He is best known for his works made from bricks, tiles, metals and dusts in fiscal interaction through industrial motors and sounds low frequency, sounds out of human hearing range like seismic, quark vibration. In his works , sound is not limited to what can be perceived by standard human hearing, but also includes other visceral experiences. His work therefore be- inclusive experience for everyone, including those with extreme hearing comes and impairments. Sorrentino has exhibited at Whitechapel Gallery (UK), MAAT (PT), Bonniers Konsthall Art Museum of Stockholm, Círculo de Bellas Artes (ESP), CCK (ARG), MACBA (ARG), Fundacion Proa (ARG), ARGOS (BE), Fundación Fortabat (ARG) Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art (NO) among others. His work is included in public and private collections.