Museo Moderno
Sessa Aldo
Black and white photography direct shot 50 x 40 cm. Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires Collection. Donation of the artist, 1959 (F 809)

Buenos Aires, 1973. Taking the cinematographic language as a starting point, predominantly that of Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston,
Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, and also recoveries, such as ida lupino, Martín Sichetti selects stills from films to
then work them into drawings. The videos and performances, in turn, are nourished by their own narrative triggers.
of cinema.
Self-taught, his relationship with drawing dates back to childhood; period in which he also waters his
passion for cinema. That cinematic passion is also reflected in the making of the video Darling Pet Monkey (́˿̀̀),
based on a scene from Billy Wilder’s classic Film Noir, Sunset Boulevard (̀95˿).