Museo Moderno
Senderowicz Paula
El paraíso se muerde la cola. (biombo) Painting on canvas and wood. 190 x 540 cm. Manuel Pose Varela / Courtesy Centro Cultural Kirchner

Born in 1973, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a National Professor of Painting at the “Prilidiano Pueyrredón” School (1996) and has a degree in Visual Arts from the U.N.A (2014). He obtained scholarships such as Activate Heritage from the Ministry of Culture of the Nation 2021, National Fund for the Arts 2016/2021, Embassy of Canada 2006, Fundación Telefónica 2006 and Fundación Antorchas 2004. He completed Residencies at Banff Center for the Arts, Canada 2006/2004 and in Portal del Sur, Uruguay 2018.
She obtained first awards such as the 8M, Secretariat of Culture Acquisition Award, 2023; that of the Quinta Trabuco Painting Contest (Secretaría de Vicente López, 2022), National Salon of Rosario (2009), Williams Foundation (2008), Patagonia Foundation (2005). She participated in individual and group exhibitions, national and international. Trabucco Painting Prize, National Academy of Fine Arts. Symbiologies, Kirchner Center. Contemporary Argentine Landscape, CEC Rosario. Senderowicz photographer and painter, Cultural San Martín. Southern Biennial, Wild Thought, National Bicentennial House. The restlessness that crosses the river, Insight gallery. The bowels of Art, OSDE Foundation. Revisits, MACRO Museum. Biennial of the End of the World, Ushuaia 2007. Contemporary XVIII MALBA.
Her drawings, photographs and paintings are part of collections in Argentina and abroad.