Museo Moderno
Segal Alan
Desaparición incompleta, 202

Alan Segal is an artist and filmmaker. He graduated from ENERC (National School of Experimentation and Filmmaking) and participated in the 2014 Di Tella University Artists and Curators Program. In 2015 he was a resident at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Since 2016 he has completed a master’s degree in film and video at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College. He is one of the editors of the arts and culture publication Labor, focused on work processes. As a film editor, his collaboration in the feature film Kékszakállú (2016) directed by Gastón Solnicki stands out. He held various exhibitions in institutions and galleries in Argentina and abroad. In 2017 he participated in the Braque Prize, also at WRO Biennale (Wroclaw, Poland) and Bienal Sur