Museo Moderno
Schvartz Marcia
Gustavo Marrone en su atelier, 1988, Oil on canvas, 180 x 160 cm.

He was born in Buenos Aires on March 24, 1955. He studied at the “Manuel Belgrano” National School of Fine Arts and briefly passed through the workshops of Ricardo Carreira, Aída Carballo, Luis Falcini and Luis Felipe Noé.
Among her most relevant exhibitions we can mention: “Marcia Schvartz: Works, 1976 – 2018” 55 Walker: Bortolami Kaufmann Repetto, Andrew Kreps Gallery, NY. (2021); “An ego of her own” Kaufmann Repetto Gallery, Milan, Italy (2021); “Politics of desire: for everyone, everything” with her work “Boquita”, Buenos Aires (2020); “From GHOST TRAIN to HELL” at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Neuquén (2019); “Radical Women: Latinamerican art, 1960-1985” at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, at the Brooklyn Museum, NYC and at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo, Brazil (2017/2018); Catalina Albarracín de Suarez Culture House, Tafí Viejo, Tucumán, (2018); “Eye. Marcia Schvartz” in the Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Art Collection, Buenos Aires (2016); “Marciamundi” at the Central House of Popular Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Nation, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2015); “Zoolatries and strange entities” in the Fine Arts Pavilion of the UCA, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2013); “Pasionaria” at the OSDE Foundation Art Space, Rosario, Argentina, (2011); “Fanfare” at the “Timoteo E. Navarro” Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Tucumán, Argentina, (2009); “Fondo” at the Rubbers Gallery, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2009); “El ánima” in the Museum of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008); “Young Painter (1975 – 1985)” at the “Eduardo Sívori” Museum of Plastic Arts, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2005).
Additionally, she participated in the following biennials: Venice Biennale, Argentine Pavilion, Venice, Italy, (2011); Johannesburg International Biennial, Johannesburg, South Africa, (1995); First Havana Art Biennial, Havana, Cuba, (1985).

She has obtained the following awards: Grand Prize of Honor Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, (2015); Grand Prize for Painting, National Hall, (2013); First Prize for Painting Banco Nación, (2012); KONEX Platinum-Painting Award 1997-2001, (2002); First Constantini Painting Prize, MNBA, (1998); First Prize for Drawing Salon of Santa Fe, (1998); First Prize at the Manuel Belgrano Municipal Fine Arts Hall, (1992).

His work is part of large public collections such as: MNBA (Buenos Aires and Neuquén), MALBA (Buenos Aires), Museo Sívori (Buenos Aires), Museo Reina Sofia (Madrid), Tate Modern (London), among others.