Museo Moderno
Schiavi Cristina
Deseo Opaco, 2021. Triptych. Acrylic on MDF and tile. 45.5 x 112 x 3 cm.

Cristina Schiavi (Argentina,1954) Visual artist. Her artistic production is developed in a wide variety of mediums, such as painting, sculpture, drawing and digital prints. In her work, there is a keen interest for design, abstract and geometric art, as well as for the exploration of domestic objects and how through them many social relationships are ritualized. During the nineties, Schiavi participated actively of the Centro Cultural Rojas; one of her most important exhibitions during those years was Violaciones domésticas, 1994-1995, with Alicia Herrero and Ana López. From 2004 to 2009, along with Tamara Stuby and Esteban Álvarez, she coordinated El Basilisco, a residency program for artists in Buenos Aires.