Museo Moderno
Sartori Mónica
Tallado poliuretano, masilla, fibra de vidrio, pintura automotriz 150 x 100 x 110 cm

Mónica Sartori is a professor of Sculpture (ENBAPP). She trains in sculptural techniques with non-traditional materials with Claudia Aranovich and with Antonio Pujía she conducts the wax seminar. In 2020 she carried out a consultancy with Alicia Candeani at the ACE Foundation and in 2021 with María Lightowler. This same year, she began attending a construction clinic at Fundación Cazadores with Sergio Bazán, Florencia Qualina, Agustina Núñez and Vale Vilar. In 2022 she is selected to carry out the PAC Project Artist Program (Galería Gachi Prieto. Buenos Aires. Argentina) and in parallel, she participates in the work clinics of the artists Leila Tscchopp and Marcolina Dipierro. Likewise, along with the shortlisted artists for the 2022 Itaú Foundation Prize, she is part of the virtual exhibition of said Foundation. Her recent individual exhibitions include Derrame (Casa de las Culturas de Tigre. Argentina. 2021), Mujeres acostiendo (Embassy of Brazil in Argentina. 2013)… And they go (Universidad de La Matanza. Argentina. 2013). She has been part of a large number of group exhibitions, most recently Yeca (Fundación Cazadores 2021), Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Contemporánea. Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum. Italy (2017).