Museo Moderno
Rosa Nolly
Rosa Nolly City of Neuquén 1980 ph: Marilin Mali

Rosa María Nolly Bustos is a saxophonist, composer, arranger, teacher and researcher born in Neuquén. He currently lives in Buenos Aires. Graduate in Composition with Electroacoustic Media, National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires. She has carried out acoustic and mixed commissions and sound designs for festivals and cycles of various stages such as Teatro Colón Contemporáneo, CCK (Cycle Noise, We Move the World 2022/2023) , CCR, CCSM, Cervantes National Theater. He carried out artistic residencies at LIEM Spain and at CMMAS Mexico. As an arranger and performer, she inhabits a wide range of aesthetics located between concert music, experimental music, contemporary jazz and indie. His works and performative works are crossed by the intersection of axes between the organic and the political, the social and the personal, and the hybridization of bodies.