Museo Moderno
Rodi Daniela

Daniela Rodi works with writing, sound and voice from her plastic possibilities. The
Communication is part of the material of her work. From instant messaging, networks

social, books and conversations she builds new poetic circuits. From different supports
-such as the book-object, the sound installation, photography, textile objects and performance-
ce- the artist explores the word as a container of emotional landscapes.

She studied Architecture, Museology and Visual Arts. She participated in conferences and meetings
promoting dialogue between different cultural actors in the country and Latin America. She was

founding partner of the Vermú art gallery in Santa Rosa (La Pampa 2015-2016) and coordinator
general nator of the Olga Orozco House Museum in Toay (La Pampa 2015-2020). She is part

of the Fuego en la Torre collective that brings together artists from different cities in Patagonia
Argentina and the editorial team of La Ballesta Magníca.
She has worked as a manager on dozens of projects at the institutional level as well as in
the self-managed. She obtained scholarships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Institute of

Teatro, the Williams Foundation and the TyPA Foundation. Winner of the Argenti Award in 2018.
no of Public Art at the Córdoba Art Market, in 2011 of the Prize and acquisition to

Best Work by Pampeano Artist in the National Drawing Hall of the Provincial Museum of Arts
from La Pampa.

Since 2006 she has exhibited at exhibitions, fairs and awards. She highlights two individual exhibitions
duals; in 2017 “A story to be read standing” (in dialogue with a text by Rosario Bléfa-
ri) within the framework of the “Continuous Present” cycle curated by Hernán Camoletto in the

Rosario Memory Museum, Santa Fe; and in 2013 “Montage for a floating listening”
Curated by Laura Valdivieso at the Obrera Library of Santa Rosa, La Pampa.
From her participation in group exhibitions we can name “Adentro hay no más
than a dwelling”, curated by Alejandra Aguado at the Museum of Modern Art of
Buenos Aires in 2021, “Jetlag” in Crudo Contemporary Art, curated by Yuyo

Gardiol and text by Hernán Camoletto in 2020, “Fuego en la Torre” a specific site, with cura-
Eva Grinstein’s office in San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén. “Interfaces. an anthology

possible” curated by Florencia Battiti and Fernando Farina at the Kirchner Cultural Center in
Buenos Aires during 2015, also in that year “A space for the work that did not take place”
curated by Lara Marmor, at the Alsina Headquarters of the FNA in Buenos Aires. During 2014
“Ice Rink” at Mimicromuseo in Buenos Aires curated by Jimena Brescia. In 2013
“RED” curated by Gabriel Valansi at the Museo Diario La Capital in Rosario, Santa Fe.

“Wooden Stars” at the Provincial Museum of Arts of Santa Rosa La Pampa, curated
Claudia del Río estuary. “Circular Project II” at the Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires in 2011 and

Festival 10 Detroit International Film/Video, MONA Detroit, USA, during 2007.
She currently lives and works in the city of Buenos Aires.