Born in Buenos Aires in 1994. She studied Art at the University of the Arts (UNA). In 2016 she attended Ana Gallardo’s art crit sessions. In 2017 she was part of the Artists Program of the Torcuato Di Tella University. In 2018 she participated in the Escuela incierta at Lugar a Dudas, Colombia. In 2018 she received the Kenneth Kemble Young Award.
In 2019 she participated in arteBA together with Selvanegra Galería and obteined the Premio en Obra award. In 2021, she edited the publication Sticky Floors with the Chilean publishing house Hambrehambrehambre. Since 2022 she is part of Planta Alta artists studio space. She is currently completing her Master in Fine Arts on Sculpture at the Milton Avery Graduate School of Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.
Since 2015, she has been a part and inhabited various self-managed projects, such as Proyecto NUM, an editorial and curatorial archive on artistic manifestations of local feminism. In 2018, together with Nina Kovensky, they created Caterine Full Love, a queer & nomade food project that combines different knowledge with the aim of inviting, in massive circumstances, food prepared as fuel to sustain the crowd.
Since 2018 she has been part of Belleza y Felicidad Fiorito at the art workshop for kidz, the gourmet soup kitchen and special workshops. Also since that year she shares with Bernardo Zabalaga Servicio de limpieza integral, a collaborative research on care and the maintenance of life and space, linking domestic cleaning with energetic cleansing.
Her work is part of collections in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Berlin, Zurich, Singapore and Chicago.
She participated in several exhibitions inside and out of Argentina, including: Nation II, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, USA (February 2014); I’n aju ‘at’ cou’i, soy de donde estoy, Yin in aj kuchi in k’obi, i am from where i am now, solo exhibition, CC Matienzo, Buenos Aires (November 2014) ; Fight or Fly, solo exhibition, Ray Gallery, Brooklyn, USA (June – July 2016); El trabajo invisible, solo exhibition, Selvanegra Gallery, Buenos Aires (March – April 2018) ; Strange possession, Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia (July 2018) ; Negra, MUNAR, Buenos Aires (July 2019) ; La colección escucha: Voces del acervo, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (November 2020) / Bombastik, Nora Fisch Gallery, Buenos Aires (June 2021) ; Adentro no hay mas que una morada, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (Sept 2021 – April 2022); XXV Federico Jorge Klemm Prize show (November 2021); Las olas del deseo, Casa Nacional del Bicentenario, Buenos Aires (March – September 2022); Todo estaba sucio, duo show, Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza, Argentina (March – May 2022); Archives of the tympanum, Hessel Museum of Art, NY, USA (March 2022) ; Colección comentada, Centro Cultural Conti, Buenos Aires (April – July 2022) ; 8M Prize, Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires (2023).

Todo estaba sucio, 2022