Museo Moderno
Ocher chopping block, oven-painted iron sheet, 100 x 75 cm, 2022

With curiosity and constant training in observing, understanding and learning about the need and development of objects, I have a permanent interest in investigating different areas and materialities in the search between the morphological, functional, aesthetic, operational and communicational.

I consider the creative challenge as a social tool of transformation, where in a journey of questioning I try to find possible balances between different factors to generate and share meaning.

Initially I studied ceramics, photography, screen printing, and weaving and then trained as an Industrial Designer at the UBA. I studied Stone Design (Scholarship, Italy), completed Postgraduate Studies in Design for Disability in England and another at the UBA in Hospital Architecture.

I committed myself to academic training by teaching undergraduate and postgraduate classes, from design, Sustainability tools and Circular Economy, understanding that to generate solutions with better impact it is necessary to know strategies on how to make better decisions.

As a tool for interaction with others, I studied Ontological Coaching, which makes it easier for me to generate more conscious relationships and links.

Interested in and developing furniture in the Metallurgical area, in my beginnings and artistic curiosity, I began to explore Art, challenging the possibilities and spatialities of sheet metal and its relationship with other materials, which has me currently working, looking for a coherent and innovative expression that allows me to express myself and communicate through material developments.