Museo Moderno
Puzzovio Dalila

Renowned artist of Pop Art, fashion and conceptual art, Dalila Puzzovio has been pursuing her career on the local and international scene since the 1960s, mainly linked to the creative environment of the Instituto Di Tella in Buenos Aires. Her frst works with the emblematic “plasters” in the exhibition “Man before man” (1962), gives the initial kick for a corpus of works where objects take on a leading role in their double sense as external things but also as things that happen to the subject.
Hesr orthopedic “Shells” (1963) –remains of discard obtained from the Italian Hospital– were carriers of the aura of the bodies that used them, they represented a type of medical rehabilitation, a reworking of a traumatic situation, a monument to pain that suggests refection about rupture and fractured orders.
Overcoming the limits and infuences of Informalism, Pop-art and Neo-dadá, with a genuine and daring gesture, Puzzovio is a pioneer in breaking the watertight compartments between plastic arts, visual arts, fashion, design, architecture and its impact on daily life. In works such as “Dalila double platform” (1967), “While some build others destroy” (2019) the artist takes the streets, appropriates the public highway, intervenes in the vital praxis of the spectator and questions the laws of the “world del arte” when she exhibits her double-platform shoes in fuorescent colors in commercial stores as if they were objects of mass consumption, or she incorporates performance by recreating city scenes, contrasting the urban environment with artistic action.
A corpus of work with a strong editorial imprint, archival and documentation, crossed by a contemporary refective gaze, which highlights Puzzovio ́s versatility, producing within art ́s different ramifcations, without respecting borders and exercising a free point of view of irreverent character, typical of her artistic work and the effervescence of the time she represents.