Museo Moderno
Pruden Deborah
Untitled (Solarized), 2017 / Oil on canvas / 120 x 192 cm

Déborah Pruden was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. She studied Photography with Alberto Goldenstein and Alejandro Kuropatwa; Painting with Alfredo Londaibere and Alejandra Seeber and Chinese Painting with the teacher Chiu Tai Li. She was selected as a fellow of the Workshop Program for the Visual Arts / Beca Kuitca, between 2003 and 2005.

She made individual exhibitions in several galleries in Argentina (Zavaleta Lab, SlyZmud and Peña), in the Centro Cultural Rougés in Tucumán and a retrospective in the Centro Cultural Recoleta in 2015. Her first exhibition was held in the gallery of the Centro Cultural Rojas, invited and curated by Alfredo Londaibere. She also held individual exhibitions at the Fondazione Agorarte in Milan and the Weisser Elefant Gallery in Berlin. She participated in numerous group exhibitions, among them the itinerant pintorAs and Civilización y barbarie, argentinos contemporáneos, in various museums and galleries in Argentina, Latin America, Spain and France. And others in the Museo Sívori, Buenos Aires; Galería Planta Alta, Asunción, Paraguay; Ecole d’Art Gerard Jacot, Belfort, France; Instituto Cervantes, San Pablo, etc.

In 2016 Actividad de Uso publishes an essay about his work. And the same year, her work was selected to be part of the book Vitamin P3, New Perspectives on Painting, by Phaidon, London.

Lives and works in Buenos Aires.