Museo Moderno
Dance #3, Oil on canvas, 120 x 300 cm, 2019

Daniel Prieto (Buenos Aires, 1960) is an Argentine artist with an important professional career. His extensive artistic experience stands out for his total commitment to painting as a field of knowledge and offers a work that is developed from series. He works from old sketches or notes. His preference for the large format is a characteristic of his artistic production. He has an accurate technical command of the use of color and pictorial material.

At the beginning he painted figuratively, valuing expression and the human figure as the maximum representation of what he understands painting to be. As Daniel Prieto develops his language, he gradually adopts abstraction, understanding geometry and matter as forms of knowledge and communication. Within the development of his pictorial language, a process of integration of reality into painting is distinguished, starting from the choice of an object that he progressively abstracts until completing the series. His work explains the particularities of pictorial language, which he understands from a very young age, the complexity involved in losing figurative language so that painting becomes a sign and translates his emotions, his thoughts, his life without intermediaries.

Abstract language involves a network of representational variables that implies an enormous challenge for artists but makes pictorial language a channel for effective communication of emotions through matter.
His work is found in collections in Argentina and abroad.