Museo Moderno
Pino Felipe

He is one of the leaders of postmodern painting of the 80s in Argentina. His work is part of important private collections and the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts, among other institutions in the country.

He studied at the Manuel Belgrano National School of Fine Arts and in the workshop of the painter Manuel Álvarez. In his intense career, Pino participated in the group called by Luis Felipe Noé “generation of 75”. In 1972, he created a workshop for boys from Villa 31 in Retiro with Father Mujica. He won the Braque scholarship to stay in Paris in 1979 and was consecrated in the Painting category at the Manuel Belgrano Municipal Hall in 1985. In 1982 he participated in the 49th Carnegie International Museum of the Modern Art. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburh, USA.

He exhibited his work at the Havana Biennial (1986), at the International Fair of Latin American Art in Brussels in 1994 and together with Marcia Schvartz he was selected to represent Argentina in the exhibition “Latin America Present” at the National Museum of Santiago, Chili.

In 2010 he won the Acquisition Prize from the Central Bank and in 2017 the Grand Prix for Painting from the National Hall of Visual Arts.

Latest exhibitions: PM Gallery, 2021; Once Siete Art Space, 2019, Central Newbery, 2019, YKW/ART Gallery, 2017, Casa Matienzo, 2016, Octavio de la Colina Museum, 2014, Francisco Traba Gallery, 2013; Art Space, OSDE Foundation, 2012 (retrospective); Emilio Caraffa Museum Córdoba, 2011; Isabel Anchorena Gallery, 2008; Pavilion of Fine Arts, UCA, Teresa Anchorena, art, 2006; Alberto Elia – Mario Robirosa Foundation, Centro Cultural Grissídopoli Schopf Gallery on Lake, Argentine, 2004; Maria Casado Home Gallery, 2003