Museo Moderno
Piña Andrés

Andrés Piña born in 1992 in La Consulta, Mendoza (Argentina). Bachelor of Fine Arts, specialized in painting, National University of Cuyo (Mendoza, 2016). On 2012, he presented his first individual exhibition called “El fin de la vida como el principio de la misma”, at the Museum of Modern Art in Mendoza. On 2016, he studied at the University of the Republic (Montevideo, Uruguay), with scholarships from the National University of Cuyo. On 2017, he is selected to study in the Artist Program of the Torcuato Di Tella University. His work has been exhibited among others at Kirchner Cultural Centre, Torcuato Di Tella University, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Malba, Genaro Pérez Museum, Larreta Museum and Klemm Foundation, Argentina. His solo shows include “Tu remera mi sudario” (La Ira de Dios, Bs As 2016), “Sed de saliva” (Lateral gallery, Tucumán 2017), “Cursi Ficción” (Pasto gallery, Buenos Aires 2019) and “Perfume Peligro” (Sendrós gallery, Buenos Aires 2021). Lives and works in Buenos Aires.