Museo Moderno
Persico Gastón

Gastón Persico (1972) works on interdisciplinary projects in various formats such as installations, publications, or participatory events. He also undertakes collaborative projects with the intention of unfolding other possible systems of association, experimenting with different contexts, and engaging with alternative modes of thinking. Through the coexistence and blending of diverse and yet interconnected languages and materials, employing a certain degree of irony, his work operates in relation to the socio-cultural field. Thus, through the mixture, manipulation, and processing of elements such as heavy metal, contemporary philosophy, mythology, publications, pieces of wood found on the street, posters, living statues, light structures, or shattered mirrors, he attempts to configure a universe that proposes its own narrative structure and a particular cultural experience.
He was a fellow of the Workshop Program for Visual Arts Rojas UBA/Kuitca (2003-2005). In 2009, he received a National Grant from the National Fund for the Arts. In 2006, he received the second prize in the arteBA-Petrobras Award for “Heavy Mental Records,” a project that explores the intersection between contemporary philosophy and heavy metal. In collaboration with Cecilia Szalkowicz, he participated in the CIFO Grant Program 2007, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Miami), and the 2nd Poly/Graphic Triennial of San Juan: Latin America and the Caribbean (Puerto Rico 2009). In 2010, he carried out the project “Reunión” (Buenos Aires – Berlin), together with Roman Schramm, Cecilia Szalkowicz, and Hella Gerlach, with the support of IFA – Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations. He has had solo exhibitions at Nora Fisch Arte Contemporáneo, CCEBA, Goethe-Institut, Belleza y Felicidad, Fotogalería del C.C. Rojas,
and Mite Galería (Buenos Aires). He has also participated in group exhibitions at macro (Rosario), Museum of Modern Art (Mendoza), Museum of Contemporary Art (Bahía Blanca), Parque de la Memoria, Fundación Proa, Museum of Modern Art, Centro Cultural Borges, Alianza Francesa, and National Fund for the Arts (Buenos Aires). His works have been exhibited at MAC Niteroi (Rio de Janeiro), Blanca Soto Arte, Casa Encendida (Madrid), Centro Párraga (Murcia), Traschi Gallery (Santiago de Chile), Printed Matter (New York), among others.