Museo Moderno
Pasinovich Andrés
The new anonymous 18 sculptures, ceramic and iron, 600 x 300 x 150 2022

Andrés Pasinovich was born in Buenos Aires in 1978. Although his adolescence was focused on literature and music, it wasn’t until his early twenties that he decided to pursue visual arts. His artistic education remained distant from academicism, starting with painting workshops, followed by Marina De Caro’s workshop (2006-11), the Center for Artistic Research (2011-12), and Ana Gallardo’s work clinic (2012-13). He has also undertaken various international residencies, which contributed to both his personal and professional development: La Verdi CDMX, Mexico (2019), PIVÓ in São Paulo, Brazil (2018), and Shigaraki SCCP, Japan (2017).

Pasinovich is intrigued by the apparent oxymoron that characterizes both images and words (the ability to simultaneously possess an opaque and a transparent dimension). His work reflects on coexisting extremes – the inside/outside, the visible/invisible, the said/unsaid – using diverse techniques and materials.

He has received numerous grants and recognitions, including the National Arts Fund Prize (2019), the Mobility Grant from the Secretary of Culture of the Nation (2018), the National Bicentennial Grant from FNA and the Oxenford Grant (2016), Cultural Patronage (2014-17), and the Metropolitan Fund (2013). He has also participated in the FNA, KLEMM, ITAÚ, UADE, and ROSARIO NATIONAL SALON awards, among others. His works have been exhibited both nationally and internationally. Currently, he co-directs the MARABUNTA project.