Museo Moderno
Paredes Santiago
Pronto - 120x90 cm - sublimacion sobre seda- 2023.

Sanago Paredes is known for using digital tools to create projected images that take shape on a variety of media and surfaces. In addion to his work in painng and digital art, Paredes has also ventured into fashion and design. His works are a fusion of dierent worlds that, although dissimilar, complement each other perfectly, revolving around the poezaon of the everyday, the use of color, simile, and the liminal space between art and design. Paredes constructs complex scenes that contain mulple references, appropriaons, and simulaons, engaging in a dialogue with the history of images. Dierent interests such as Persian miniatures, Japanese printmaking, haute couture fashion, and pop culture are some elements that appear in his visual universe nged with doubt. In his work, Paredes manages to bring everything to the same level of importance, where there are no hierarchies and the representaonal clichés of art history are transformed under his watchful gaze into a raft to navigate the waters of contemporary transmodernity.