Museo Moderno
Ostera Andrea
RX-2-5, 2017/2018 Giclée print – 40 x 30 cm

She was born in 1967 in Salto Grande, Santa Fe.
Between 1992 and 1993 she studied at the International Center of Photography, New York. Between 1997 and 1999 she participated in the Scholarship Program for Young Artists, Kuitca Scholarship. In 2001 she received her MFA from New York University.
Her individual exhibitions include: ’11 Combined Operations’, Diego Obligado Art Gallery (2019); ‘Persona’, Kirchner Cultural Center (2018); ‘Affaire’, Photogallery of the Rojas Cultural Center (2017); ‘Screenshots’, Mal de Archivo (2016); ‘+room’, Museo Castagnino+Macro (2016); ‘Ostera en Oliva’, Oliva Libros (2015); ‘Fin de Fiesta’, Ex P.A.C.I.O, Pasaje Pam (2006); ‘Andrea Ostera’, FADU/UBA Gallery (2004); ‘Frames’, Photogallery of the General San Martín Municipal Theater (1998); ‘Concise, succinct, precise’, Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Center (1997); ‘The dream evening’, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles, France (1996); ‘Of the times’, Photogallery of the Municipal Cultural Center of Santa Fe (1996).
Among her collective exhibitions it is worth highlighting: ‘System Preferences’, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (2022/2023); ‘I have not seen trees of such a nature’, Osde Buenos Aires Foundation (2022); ‘Thinking is a revolutionary fact’, BIENALSUR III, J. B. Castagnino Museum of Fine Arts, Rosario (2021); ‘Litoral’, Innova, Punta del Este (2020); ‘Elles x Paris photo’, Grand Palais, Paris (2020); ‘Of spiders, jellyfish and humans’, BAPhoto, Buenos Aires (2019); ‘Forms of excess’, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires (2019); ‘Zero Journey and Other Dreams’, BIENALSUR II, CENTEX, Valparaiso, Chile (2019); ‘Machinations, contemporary dialogues’, BIENALSUR II, Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Cuenca, Ecuador (2019); ‘Utopias and dystopias in the contemporary landscape’, BIENALSUR II, MAAC, Guayaquil, Ecuador (2019); ‘Lar twelve lar’, BIENALSUR II, Brazilian Embassy in Buenos Aires (2019); 96th May Hall, Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez Museum (2019); ‘10 years – Salto Luz’, Juan Carlos Castagnino Museum, Mar del Plata (2019); ‘Do it Rosario’, Parque de España Cultural Center (2018); 6th AAMEC Award for Contemporary Argentine Photography, Caraffa Museum (2018); 107th National Hall of Visual Arts, Casa del Bicentenario (2018); ‘An imagined community’, Casa del Bicentenario (2017); ‘Machinations’, I Mercosur Biennial, MAAC (2017); arteBA Focus #2, Arenas Estudios (2017); ‘Another time situation’, MAR Museum, Mar del Plata (2017); ‘V ArtexArte Photography Prize’, ArtexArte Foundation, Buenos Aires (2017); ‘30 years, 3 looks’, J. B. Castagnino Museum of Fine Arts (2013); ‘Paint well, art of Santa Fe’, Recoleta Cultural Center (2012), Castagnino Museum (2011); ‘There, there’, Bogotá Platform (2012); ‘Lima Photo’ (2011); ‘About change’, World Bank Main Complex, Washington DC (2011); ‘The nature of women’, OSDE Rosario Foundation (2010); ‘Photography in Argentina (1840-2010)’, ArtexArte (2010).
Among the distinctions she has received are: Creation Scholarship from the National Fund for the Arts (2022); First Prize in Photography, Visual Arts Contest of the National Fund for the Arts (2017); Creation Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (2017); Honorable mention in the V ArtexArte Photography Prize (2017); Diploma of Merit from the Konex Foundation (2002); Leonardo Award and Fulbright Scholarship – FNA (1999); Subsidies from the National Fund for the Arts (1998) and the Antorchas Foundation (1997); Mention of the Braque Prize and the Kuitca Scholarship (1997).
Her work is part of the collections of the National Museum of Fine Arts (Buenos Aires), Museum of Modern Art (Buenos Aires), Museo Castagnino + Macro (Rosario), Museum of Contemporary Art (Bahía Blanca).
She resides and works in Rosario.