Museo Moderno
Olivari Alita
Jarron mosquito, 2017, Glazed ceramic, 40 x 25 x 19 cm

(Buenos Aires, 1973)
Alita Olivari bases her works in traditional techniques of sculpture and applied arts which she uses in a fresh and irreverent way. With a personal universe of fantastic characters, allegorical figures and images taken from chidrens’ world, her ceramics and drawings combine elements of wonder and excess with an imaginative display of humor and irony.
Born in Buenos Aires in 1973, she graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón. She attended workshops and work analysis clinics by Malena Trosolino, Juan Doffo, Diana Aisemberg, Jorge Gumier Maier and Marina De Caro. In 2006 she was selected to participate in the Discussion Workshop of the Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She also worked as a set designer, art director and costume designer in different plays for directors such as Santiago Loza and Anahí Berneri.
Since the late 90’s she has participated in group exhibitions and has had solo shows in the galleries that represented her, Vasari, Daniel Abate and Teresa Anchorena.
With them she has participated in arteBA and in international fairs. Her work is part of private collections in Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the U.S.A.
She lives and works in Buenos Aires.