Museo Moderno
Ojeda Bar Laura
Por favor, toser en el pliegue del codo - 91,5 x 60,5 cm - óleo sobre tela - 2022.

ura Ojeda Bär is dedicated to discovering – or invenng – the implicit laws of the social structure of art and its hierarchies. She explores how value is assigned and its parcular relaonship with desire, and considers art as both work and a means of generang and invesng resources. Ojeda Bär uses her own experience within the art world as a case study to pull in dierent direcons at the same me. Inwardly, she constructs the figure of the arst; outwardly, she determines the symbolic place that the “art world” holds within the structure of society as a whole. Her painngs combine an unprejudiced gaze and dry humor (with analycal proposals) with an exploraon of the terrain of the sensive and ineable. In addion to her individual producon, she has also worked for over a decade as an assistant, curator, art handler, writer, producer, trainer, and cultural manager. This has become, in itself, part of the global invesgaon into the praxis of the art field. Her first exhibions emerged as a record of the intense social and labor life of the arsc scene in Buenos Aires. She then focused on the ability of arsc instuons to give value – symbolic and economic – and the contractual nature of this value. In recent years, her iconography has gone beyond everyday autobiography to begin including references to the history of art and the intersecon of social media and the internet, using mechanisms such as copying, hyperlinks, and transliteraon recursively as a bridge between the inmate and the public.