Museo Moderno
Nuñez Agustina

Graduate in Visual Arts from the National University Institute of Art, Department of Visual Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón (I.U.N.A.). She studied with the Artist Sergio Bazán, Contemporary Art Theory with Dr. Hugo Petruschansky and conducted Clinics with the artist Tulio de Sagastizábal.
Independent teacher, since 2013, training emerging artists with the aim of providing a space to expand their approaches, subvert social pressures and question limitations, with the aim of promoting the search for their own, independent voice and personal possibilities. She is currently a Teacher in the Clinics team at the Cazadores Foundation.
In 2019 she won the 1st Prize “Visual Arts Competition,” in Two-Dimensional Work by the National Arts Fund.
In 2010 she obtained the “National Creation Grant” awarded by the F.N.A. for the creation of murals in both public and private spaces. Since 2004, he has participated in numerous collective and individual exhibitions, including: “Boombastik” at Nora Fisch Galería (2021), “Contagio Profano” Smart Gallery in Bs.As (2019), “Silence announces noise” Palatina Gallery in Bs.As. (2016), “A host of furious fantasies” La Línea Piensa en C. Cultural Borges in Bs. As. (2013), “Octava” Provincial Council of the Argentine Consulate in Cádiz (2012), EmmaThomas Gallery in San Pablo (2012), Recoleta Cultural Center in Bs.As (2011), “Don’t Walk” Blanca Soto Gallery in Madrid (2010), “Little Polymorphous” DiverseWorks in Houston (2008), “Canto Primero” Macro Museum in Rosario (2008), “ Selective Memory” LEME Gallery in San Pablo (2008), among others.
She has been working freelance since 2007 for the Arthur Casas Studio in São Paulo, Brazil.
She lives and works in Buenos Aires.