Museo Moderno
Murad Maxi
El grito perfecto de alguna pandilla salvaje - 2021 - Placa calcárea - 74 x 116 x 2 cm.

Maxi Murad’s work approaches with a warm and humanisc focus the relaonship between technology and nature, while exploring the formal possibilies inherent in painng and drawing. In his work, abstracon, digital images, architectural structures, and topics of representaonal tradion such as sll lifes and landscapes flow together fluidly. With meculous and detailed dedicaon, the arst synthesizes the essence of these themes. Addionally, Murad focuses on exploring rhythm and movement in the image through the obsessive use of geometric shapes and repeang paerns. Technical experimentaon is another fundamental aspect of his work. Murad employs unconvenonal alchemy techniques, combining them with tradional materials such as inks, pigments, and oils, which he applies to various types of paper and supports. This constant search for original techniques has led him to develop a series of large-format calcareous mosaics and frescoes on mobile supports that explore the limits of drawing and painng with a unique style.